Geology Experience - Darrel Dunn, Ph.D., PG
Table of Contents
Unaffiliated Senior Geologist and Hydrologist, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Wyoming Registered Professional Geology License PG-679.
Email: Inquiries are welcome.
Geologic Employment
Previous geology work experience includes:
Independent consulting geologist.
University teaching at assistant and associate professor levels
Petroleum geologist for a major oil company
To see hydrogeology experience, press the button 🔳.
Places of Geologic Work
Performed geologic (non-hydrologic) work in the following states and provinces:
Saskatchewan, Canada
Alberta, Canada
Types of Geologic Work
The following content shows types of geology work that I have done, with one or more examples for each type. The list is not exhaustive and the examples are not all-inclusive.
Petroleum Exploration
Explored for petroleum in Colorado (Denver-Julesburg Basin, NW Colorado, Colorado Plateau), Wyoming (DJ Basin), Utah, Nevada, Illinois, Saskatchewan, and Alberta for a major oil company. This work included well log interpretation, surface and subsurface geologic mapping, stratigraphy, hydrodynamic analysis of petroleum systems, and well site operations.
Petroleum Reservoir Analysis
Reservoir mapping, DST pressure analysis, reserve calculations, interpretation of sloping oil-water contacts.
Earthquake Hazard
Assessed earthquake hazard at a proposed mine site (Montana).
Slope Stability and Landslide Hazard
Estimated slope stability at proposed real estate subdivisions (Montana).
Served as expert witness on the effect of irrigation on landsliding and testified in court (Montana).
Assessed the stability of slopes near a proposed mine in a mountainous area (Montana).
Snow Avalanche Hazard
Assessed snow avalanche hazard along an access road at a proposed mine in a mountain valley (Montana).
Coal Resource Assessment
Assessed value of coal resources on a ranch (Montana).
Environmental Geology
Environmental compliance assessment of coal company properties (Louisiana, Texas).
Mining Geology
Performed the geologic parts of an environmental assessment for a subsurface platinum/palladium mine (slope stability, earthquake hazard, snow avalanche hazard.
Performed a coal resource assessment on a ranch in Montana.
Statistics in Geology
Performed statistical analyses of stable isotope data on methane from different geological provinces in California. Press the button 🔳 to see "California Methane Stable Isotope Data Analysis."
Published paper on "Probability of Anomalies on Contour Maps."
Performed a statistical analysis to see if sub-species of a fossil species were significantly different. (Honors thesis for geology bachelors degree.)
International Experience
Petroleum exploration in Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada.
University Teaching - Geology
University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio (Associate Professor)
Environmental Geology
Geology for Engineers
Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana (Assistant Professor)
Historical Geology
University of Illinois, Champaigne/Urbana (Instructor)
Stratigraphy Laboratory
Historical Geology Laboratory
Contract Teaching
Geology for High School Teachers (Summer course)